Wednesday 27 January 2016

Exercise 1 - The beauty and diversity of Muslim by bassm tariq

The Beauty and diversity of Muslims

View the TED Talk and complete the following grid.
Title of TED Talk:  The beauty and diversity of Muslims
Name of Speaker: Bassam Tariq
Date of TED Talk and Number of views :
-Date :October 2014
-Views: 1,173,401
What was the speaker’s thesis (main point) of this speech? 
He is determined to shine a light on the incredible diversity of Muslim life by experiencing three different career projects as being a blogger, a film maker and a botcher.
Write 2-3 different things  you learned from this presentation. 
A person should fight for what sLhe believes in .
Explain your faith to the people in spite of waiting for others to explain it wrongly.
What group of people would benefit the most from hearing this lecture? 
For both Muslims and non-Muslims.

If you could ask this speaker a question about his/her information or 
Presentation, what would you ask? 
I would like to ask him about why he think in Ramadan fast period?.
TED Talk presenters are known as effective public speakers. Describe two things this speaker does well in terms of engaging the audience. 
The Beauty and the diversity.


  1. watch the video and include more subpoints, such as examples of BrainMagic that he showed. G

  2. What happened to your Bassam Trariq post..?? G
